Royal Pharmaceuticals is a leading producer
of hormone-replacement therapy
and anti-aging medications.

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Royal Pharmaceuticals is a British based pharma company with the state-of-the-art production facilities in India.

Royal Pharmaceuticals focuses on the production of hormone-replacement therapy and anti-aging medications. Our target markets include Asia and Australia, however the Royal brand is well-known among endocrynologists and sports-medicine specialists throughout the world.

State-of-the-art production facility located in Mumbai, India,
with a production capacity of over 10 milion vials / day,
distributed to the markets of Asia and Australia.

We offer a wide range of hormone-replacement therapy and anti-aging medications.

Boldenone Boldenone Undecylenate 300mg/ml Boldenone is a very versatile anabolic steroid that can be used for numerous purposes. If you’re expecting enormous increases in mass due to this steroid’s use, you’re going to be disappointed. However, some associate the quality of a steroid only on the basis of its ability to promote mass, and inevitably they give Boldenone a bad name. Mass promotion is not the only way anabolic steroids are to be judged; unfortunately, this way of thinking has plagued many steroid message boards for quite sometime and greatly damaged anabolic steroid education. Equipoise can be an excellent addition to a well-planned cycle, but you must understand what it can provide and how it can benefit you in order to get the most out of it. Masteron E Drostanolone Enanthate 250mg/ml Masteron E is a quality anabolic steroid and a great choice for a cutting cycle. Unfortunately Masteron often gets an unappreciated rating by some steroid users but this is because it’s not fully understood. Some steroid users gauge a steroid’s power only by what it can do in terms of adding raw size. If this is the only way you gauge a steroid it’s true Masteron will be disappointing. But if you can understand the importance and benefits outside of bulking that can exists with various steroids the Drostanolone hormone is one that’s in the top 20 if not the top 10. Masteron P Drostanolone Propionate 150mg/ml In some performance enhancing circles, Masteron P is viewed as a relatively weak anabolic steroid. This is largely due to the steroid having low mass promotion abilities, and many tend to equate quality steroids to their mass promotion characteristics. Some also tend to forget that while a steroid may be a quality one, it will not present notable benefits unless you are very lean. This tends to lead many to having a skewed perception of Masteron due to this improper thinking. This is a very valuable anabolic steroid, but you must understand the purpose of use and the benefits it can provide if such beneficial rewards are going to be gained. Understand that raw mass promotion is not the end all be all of progress; understand the total purpose of use of a steroid and when to use it and you will find Masteron P to be a very valuable anabolic steroid. Nandro D Nandrolone Decanoate 300mg/ml Nandro D is one of the most effective and beneficial anabolic steroids of all time. Most men will tolerate this steroid quite well, and while it benefits the most advanced steroid user, it will be a great steroid for someone relatively new to supplementation. In order to appreciate Nandro D, consider the history of anabolic steroids. There have been numerous anabolic steroids that have appeared over the last 75 years, and through that time Nandro D has remained a top the list. It’s popularity has not waned, and there hasn’t been another steroid made that could surpass it when it comes to its specific functions. For many anabolic steroid users, it is considered essential to off-season mass gaining plans. Nandro F Nandrolone Phenylpropionate 150mg/ml The Nandrolone hormone is one of the most valuable anabolic steroids of all; top five without a doubt. For the steroid user, this steroid can almost be called essential to an off-season mass plan. But when we look at what it can do for recovery and healing it is almost in a class of its own. Couple this with its side effect friendly nature and this steroid is very hard to beat. However, there’s one important thing we’ve yet to address, erectile dysfunction. NTD 400 Nandrolone Decanoate 150mg/ml, Testosterone Enanthate 150mg/ml, Drostanolone 100mg Primobolan Primobolan 150mg/ml Primobolan is one of those anabolic steroids that has a lot of myth and legend surrounding it, especially on internet message boards. Many claim on such message boards that the hormone does not suppress natural testosterone production making it perfect for a bridge between cycles. However, we discovered this isn’t true while its rate of suppression is less than many steroids it’s still fairly strong. Many also make inaccurate assumptions based on the steroid’s ability. This is largely due to the Arnold stigma that surrounds it and when the results don’t match up to the image in their head they develop a poor, inaccurate view of Primobolan. Sustanon Testosterone Propionate 50mg/ml, Testosterone Phenylpropionate 70mg/ml, Testosterone Isocaproate 70mg/ml, Testosterone Decanoate 110mg/ml Sustanon is a fantastic anabolic steroid. It is highly versatile, well-tolerated by most all men and perfect for most any cycle. It is not superior to other testosterone forms and this is something we cannot stress enough. The combination of four testosterone forms is an excellent marketing ploy that’s been used to entice many performance athletes, but it’s no better or worse than traditional testosterone compounds. You can use Testosterone Cypionate, Testosterone Enanthate or Testosterone Propionate and receive the same, identical benefits and effects as you would with Sustanon 250. Testo 400 Testosterone mix 400mg/ml Testo 400 is a fantastic anabolic steroid. It is highly versatile, well-tolerated by most all men and perfect for most any cycle. It is not superior to other testosterone forms and this is something we cannot stress enough. The combination of four testosterone forms is an excellent marketing ploy that’s been used to entice many performance athletes, but it’s no better or worse than traditional testosterone compounds. You can use Testosterone Cypionate, Testosterone Enanthate or Testosterone Propionate and receive the same, identical benefits and effects as you would with Testo 400. Testo C Testosterone Cypionate 250mg/ml With many anabolic steroids to choose from, very few carry such a high level of versatility and toleration as Testosterone Cypionate. Perfect for beginners and long time steroid users in any cycle, it is impossible to go wrong with this steroid. If youre new to anabolic steroids and youve maxed out your natural potential, this is the perfect steroid to see your progress continue once again. If you are an advanced steroid user and have used Cypionate in past cycles, it will continue to be just as effective each and every time. This is not an anabolic steroid reserved for a particular group of people, or one that is only useful at one specific time but rather a solid foundational steroid that is perfect for any cycle. Testo E Testosterone Enanthate 300mg/ml Testosterone Enanthate is a very simple anabolic steroid, but it’s also one of the greatest anabolic steroids of all time. It is extremely powerful and carries a very high level of toleration among most adult men. As a therapeutic agent, the use of Testosterone Enanthate can radically transform your life. It is more than possible for a middle-aged man to feel like he’s in his twenties again. Not only will his zest and zeal for life return, he will be healthier overall. Testo P Testosterone Propionate 150mg/ml Testosterone Propionate is an excellent anabolic steroid. As a testosterone compound it is highly versatile, tremendously beneficial and well-tolerated by most all adult men. When we consider the affordable price of Testosterone Propionate, this only enhances its appeal even more. While tremendously beneficial, there is no advantage in using Testosterone Propionate over other testosterone forms in terms of specific benefits. This testosterone compound is no more or less side effect friendly than any testosterone form. However, some will find it is a little easier to maintain stable and peaked blood levels with this form when the injection frequency is on an every other day basis. This can be an advantage for some but you truly can obtain the same results with Testosterone Propionate as all testosterone forms. TrenBol A Trenbolone Acetate 150mg/ml The drug Trenbolone is, without a doubt, the most powerful injectable anabolic steroid to gain muscle. However the full properties of the drug are not always fully understood. TrenBol E Trenbolone Enanthate 200mg/ml Trenbolone Enanthate is one of the greatest anabolic steroids of all time. In fact, there are only two anabolic steroids we would place above it, Trenbolone Acetate and Parabolan. Trenbolone Acetate is the king of Tren hormones. It is easier to maintain peaked and stable blood levels with this version, is more affordable and high in supply. Parabolan, while very similar to the Enanthate version is carried by several very reputable UGL’s around the world and often carries a name similar to Parabolan or Tren Hex. The Enanthate version, while a great steroid is also manufactured by some of the worst labs on earth making a poor purchase a greater risk. TrenBol H Trenbolone Hexahydrobenzylcarbonate 76.5mg/ml Trenbolone Hexahydrobenzylcarbonate is hands down one of the greatest anabolic steroids of all time. One of the only steroids that could possibly surpass it would be Trenbolone Acetate. While both are comprised of the Trenbolone hormone, it’s often easier to maintain peak and stable blood levels of the hormone with the Acetate version. In either case, you have a fantastic anabolic steroid. Not only is it powerful, its versatile nature simply separates it in a way that most anabolic steroids could never dream. Tri-TrenBol Trenbolone Acetate 70mg/ml, Trenbolone Enanthate 130mg/ml, Trenbolone Hexahydrobenzylcarbonate 50mg/ml

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